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John Goldrick 

Consultant (Deceased)

Contact Details

Office:  Chatswood

Phone: +61 2  9267 7311


Graduated from University of Sydney

Bachelor of Laws  


Admitted as a Barrister in NSW in 1955


Appointed Magistrate in 1968


Admitted as a Solicitor in NSW in 1988

With regret we must advise that John passed away on 12 September 2017. He was 87 years old.


John studied Law at Sydney University graduating in 1955. He served Articles with Herald Bruce Brierley & England and was Associate to Mr Justice Hugh Maguire in the NSW Supreme Court. He was called to the Bar in 1955 and in 1957 was a founding member of 5th Floor Wentworth Chambers under the leadership of Sir Garfield Barwick QC.  In 1967 he was the first Magistrate in NSW appointed from the private legal profession. His service on the Local Court Bench included various City & Suburban Courts, a country circuit with headquarters at Young, Senior Sydney Coroner 1974 - 1977 and Senior Civil Claims Magistrate 1977 - 1985.


In 1988 he worked as a Consultant at Parramatta for Goldrick & Associates, now known as Goldrick Farrell Mullan.

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