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Pro Bono Legal Services


Vin Goldrick

David Farrell

Our Offices

Sydney CBD

370 Pitt Street

North Shore Office


North Shore Interviews

Central Coast Office


For more information regarding Goldrick Farrell Mullan Pro Bono Legal Services please contact to Louise Goldrick.

Goldrick Farrell Mullan is registered with the Law Society of New South Wales as a law firm that will provide pro bono legal services. The Law Society encourages its members to undertake pro bono legal services as part of their wider community responsibility as legal practitioners. 

Pro bono legal services are those, which involve the exercise of professional legal skills and are provided on a free or substantially reduced fee basis. These services are provided where legal aid is not available for: 

  • people who can demonstrate a need for legal assistance but cannot afford the full cost of a lawyer’s services at the market rate without financial hardship; 

  • non-profit organisations which work on behalf of members of the community who are disadvantaged or marginalised, or which work for the public good; 

  • public interest matters, 

  • being matters of broad community concern, which might not otherwise be pursued; and the improvement of the law or legal system in a manner which benefits marginalised or disadvantaged individuals or groups. 

The Law Society’s Pro Bono Scheme coordinates referrals of clients to law firms which are willing to provide legal assistance on a pro bono basis. People wanting pro bono assistance will be asked to complete an Application for Pro Bono Referral and supply relevant information and documentation to the Law Society's Pro Bono Solicitor. 

You can contact the Law Society's Pro Bono Scheme directly by telephone 9926 0364 or email

Goldrick Farrell Mullan provides pro bono Will drafting for persons making bequests to registered charities. 

We are currently part of the bequest enhancement programs of many non-profit organizations including: 

Assistance Dogs Australia
Children's Medical Research Institute
The Heart Research Institute
Mission Australia
Parkinsons NSW (Dance for Parkinsons)
Wesley Mission

     HEAD OFFICE:                                                   NORTH SHORE BRANCH:                                            NORTH SHORE                                                CENTRAL COAST

     Suite 1203/370 Pitt                                              Suite 19, 25-29 Hunter                                                   INTERVIEWS:                                                    BRANCH: 

     Street SYDNEY NSW                                          Street                                                                             Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue                     53 Renwick Street

     2000                                                                     HORNSBY NSW 2077                                                  CHATSWOOD NSW 2067                                  WYOMING NSW 2250          

     Tel: 61 9267 7311                                                Tel: 61 2 9477 6800                                                        Tel:61 2 9413 2600                                            Tel: 61 2 4328 4240

     Freecall: 1300 732 887                                      Email:                                                Website:

     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

     Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by GFM Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.


        Copyright Goldrick Farrell Mullan Lawyers 2024    |      All rights reserved      |     Disclaimer

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