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Jack Katz

Consultant (Deceased)

Contact Details

Office:  Sydney

Phone: +61 2  9267 7311



Graduated from University of Sydney

Bachelor of Laws  

Admitted as a Solicitor in NSW in 1966

Jack Katz & Co merged with Goldrick Farrell Mullan on 31 August 2015 with Jack Katz serving as a senior Consultant at our Chatswood office. 

With deep regret we must advise that Jack passed away on 23 December 2015 after a short illness. 
Jack studied Law at the University of Sydney and was admitted as a solicitor in New South Wales in 1966.

His firm Jack Katz & Co traced its history back to 1967 when Jack established the firm in Chatswood.

Jack will be remembered as one of the most experienced lawyers on Sydney's North Shore practising in the areas of Business Law, Property Law and Wills & Probate. 

Any former clients of Jack Katz & Co seeking advice as to current or former matters Jack was handling should contact Chrissy Dawson at our Sydney office.

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     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

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