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Estate Planning

Team Leader

Vin Goldrick



Senior Lawyers

Chrissy Dawson

Special Counsel

Gail Sherlock


Contact Details


Phone: +61 2 9267 7311   

Interviews by arrangement at:

Sydney CBD

370 Pitt Street

North Shore Office


North Shore Interviews

Central Coast Office


Estate planning involves the consideration of superannuation, life insurance, tax and structuring & risk issues. We work closely with your accountants, financial planner and other advisors to ensure a holistic and sound strategy is developed for you or your business. 

Areas of expertise include:

  • Preparation of Wills, Testamentary Trusts, special Powers of Attorney, custom-built trusts and documentation for family and business succession arrangements, tying in Estate planning with Family Trusts and self managed superannuation funds

  • Business succession including life insurance funded buy outs of partners or their estates

  • Avoiding and managing family conflict over business succession, asset protection, business succession agreements, Binding Financial Agreements for married and de facto couples and associated companies and trusts, and documentation of family-friendly secured debt

  • Testamentary trusts tailored to the succession planning goals

  • Risk assessment for small business owners in cases of potential family law and estate disputes, the third party powers of the Family Court, insolvency risks, advice on asset restructuring taking into account risks of family disputes, potential insolvency claims as capital gains tax, stamp duty impacts and potential insolvency claims

  • Advice on administration and tax issues confronting Executors of deceased estates, Trustees and controllers of first and second generation Family Trusts as well as Trustee and executor duties

  • Superannuation

  • Protective trusts for vulnerable dependants 

GFM projects include:

  • Advice on contesting a Will and lodgment of a Family Provisions Act claim involving undue influence and mental incapacity.

  • Action against Trustees for breach of duty and recovery of trust funds

     HEAD OFFICE:                                                   NORTH SHORE BRANCH:                                            NORTH SHORE                                                CENTRAL COAST

     Suite 1203/370 Pitt                                              Suite 19, 25-29 Hunter                                                   INTERVIEWS:                                                    BRANCH: 

     Street SYDNEY NSW                                          Street                                                                             Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue                     53 Renwick Street

     2000                                                                     HORNSBY NSW 2077                                                  CHATSWOOD NSW 2067                                  WYOMING NSW 2250          

     Tel: 61 9267 7311                                                Tel: 61 2 9477 6800                                                        Tel:61 2 9413 2600                                            Tel: 61 2 4328 4240

     Freecall: 1300 732 887                                      Email:                                                Website:

     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

     Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by GFM Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.


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